Groups and Classes
Join in the fun at the Hindmarsh Hall
The Hindmarsh Hall hosts a variety of classes for adults and children each week from Squirrels, Beavers and Explorer scouts to Yoga,Tai chi, Line dancing and Dance fit for the adults. There is always something new and exciting happening at our Hall, and we are sure you will love all that we have to offer. Take a look at our calendar to check out our regular classes.
If you would like to host your Group or Class at The Hindmarsh Hall please Get In Touch.

Friendly Bridge
Mondays 2-4pm - restarts Sept 4th
Come along to play, beginners welcome, no partner required.
A friendly mixed ability group who meet on a Monday afternoon 2-4pm to play and ‘hopefully’ develop their Bridge playing skills. Please contact for further information.
Women's Institute
Alnmouth WI meet on the first Monday of the month 7-9pm in the main hall.
For further information contact
Barn Dancing
Restarts Sept 19th and then every 3rd Tuesday - 7pm to 9.30pm
​No experience necessary, solos and couples all welcome. Caller Mike will guide us through the dances, some new and some old favourites.
Bring your own glasses and drinks . £5 admission
Dancing Girls
Wednesdays 09:30-10:30
Scouts - Squirrels, Beavers and Explorers
Squirrels and Beavers meet on Wednesday 5-6pm
Explorers meet on Wednesdays 7-9pm
The sessions run term time only.
Contact Graeme on for further information.
Thursdays at 9.30am - restarts Sept 7th
Contact for further information and to book a place.
Tai Chi
Thursdays at 11am - restarts Sept 7th
These sessions are for anyone of any age or ability and will consist of gentle stretching and movements for the purpose of maintaining general wellbeing and to learn about this ancient Chinese health art. There are no floor-based exercises, special clothing or equipment required. Come along each week to learn some simple techniques within relaxed and friendly surroundings which will enhance your life in many ways.
To book your place, contact Amanda 07885-682078 or email £7 session
Phoenix Club
Thursday afternoons 14:00-16.00
This is a new and popular Community group offering the chance of a cup of tea/coffee, biscuits and lots of chat and if you wish a game of cards/dominos/scrabble. There is even a small Bridge group. All residents of Alnmouth are welcome.
Contact for further information.
Fun Dance Class
Thursdays at 6pm. Restarts Sept 7th
This is a new Dance class with the emphasis on fun and laughter whilst improving your health and fitness in a really good venue with a lovely wooden floor.
A low impact classes that concentrate on improving balance, posture and coordination, to name the obvious ones, whilst doing routines that stimulate the memory and work on the fitness of both body and brain. Using her established movement skills and choregraphs her routines to combine phrases together that fit the music. The aim is to improve the movement capability of everyone who comes along. Most dance routines take about six weeks to learn and polish. Music is an important part of the motivation so let’s hope you’ll like the choices which could be from a show, from artists like Robbie Williams, Rod Stewart, Seal, Elton John, Chris Rea, Queen and Freddie Mercury but it depends what motivates.
The classes will run on roughly a three weekly cycle because of the film night bookings at the Hindmarsh but on the film night week a social venue will be agreed for anyone who wants to participate.
For further information please contact Tina or phone: 07751 113241
Yoga Flow
Fridays 09:30-10:30 - restarts Sept 1st
Now on Fridays - a fluid movement yoga class - on the mat with sounds and music to stretch and breathe. 9.30am start. Contact tel: 07920514401for further information.
A group of artists and crafters who meet weekly on Friday morning.
Friday night Dance Club
First Friday of the month 7-8.30pm - the day might vary due to other commitments at the hall, so please contact Emma to check before turning up. Ecstatic dance, medicine dance, just dance. Tunes galore.
For further information please contact Emma or phone: 07920 514501
Pilates is starting at the hall on Tuesday 17th October from 17.30 -18.15
For info email: